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Get and Restore Deleted Contacts

When you delete a contact, the contact is automatically removed from all contact lists, but the contact’s information is not deleted and can be restored.

> Get a list of all deleted contacts

To get a list of all deleted contacts, make a GET call to the /contacts endpoint and set the status parameter to deleted. The results list all deleted contacts and details about each contact.

For more details, see GET Contact Collection Details.

> Verify that a specific contact was deleted

To verify that a specific contact was deleted, make a GET call to the contact/{contact_id} endpoint. If the contact is successfully deleted, the results return the deleted_at property and timestamp and the list_memberships property is null.

For example: "deleted_at": "2022-08-15", "list_memberships": []

For more details, see GET a Contact's Details.

> Restore Deleted Contacts

Single Contact

To restore a single deleted contact, simply add the contact to one or more contact lists by making a PUT call to the /contacts/{contact_id} endpoint and use the list_memberships parameter to specify the list_id(s) to which you want to add the contact. You must also specify the update_source as </code>Account</code>.

For example: "list_memberships": [ "07936f78-662a-11eb-af0a-fa163e56c9b0"]

For more details, see PUT Contact Details.

Multiple Contacts

To restore multiple (up to 500) deleted contacts, make a PUT call to the /activities/add_list_memberships endpoint. In the request body source, use contact_ids to include the contact_id of each of the contacts you want to restore. Use the target lists (list_ids) to include the list_id for each list to which you want the contacts to be members.

For example: { "source": { "contact_ids": [ "04fe9a97-a579-43c5-bb1a-58ed29bf0a6a",04fe9a97-a579-43c5-bb1a-58ed29bf0a6b, 04fe9a97-a579-43c5-bb1a-58ed29bf0a6c ], }, "list_ids": [ "04fe9a97-a579-43c5-bb1a-58ed29bf0a6a" ] }

For more details, see Add Contacts to a List.

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