Overview of the account services endpoints and methods.

Use the account services endpoints and methods to get or update information about the Constant Contact user account and to add email addresses to the account. For all account services methods, the access token that you provide in the API request determines which Constant Contact user account you are accessing.

The account services GET methods that return account information require the account_read authorization scope. The account services POST or PUT methods that add or update account services resources require the account_update scope and the account owner role.

The GET /account/user/privileges method is intended for troubleshooting 403 errors and does not require any scopes or user privileges. For more information on requesting the account_read or account_update scope, see the Authorization Scopes Overview.

GET User Privileges

GET https://api.cc.email/v3/account/user/privileges

Use this method to return the user privileges associated with your access token. This allows you to troubleshoot 403 Forbidden errors related to missing user privileges.

Learn more about getting user privileges.

GET a Summary of User Account Details

GET https://api.cc.email/v3/account/summary

Use this method to return a summary of details for the Constant Contact user account; such as the account owner and organization information.

Learn more about getting a summary of account details.

PUT (update) Customer Account Details

PUT https://api.cc.email/v3/account/summary

Use this method to update account related details for the Constant Contact user account; such as the account owner and organization information.

Learn more about updating account related details.

GET the Customer Account’s Physical Address

GET https://api.cc.email/v3/account/summary/physical_address

Use this method to get the organization’s physical address for the Constant Contact user account.

Learn more about updating an account’s address.

PUT (update) the Customer Account’s Physical Address

PUT https://api.cc.email/v3/account/summary/physical_address

Use this method to update the organization’s physical address for the Constant Contact user account.

Learn more about updating an account’s address.

POST Add an Account Email Address

Use this method to a new email address to a Constant Contact user account. This method also automatically sends a confirmation email to the new address. When you Create a New Email Campaign, you must use an account email address with a CONFIRMED status in the email campaign activity from_email and reply_to_email headers.

Learn more about adding a new email address to an account.

GET a Collection of Account Email Addresses

GET https://api.cc.email/v3/account/emails

Use this method to return a collection of account email addresses. This method uses the user account associated with your access token to return the collection of account emails. The API response also includes the status of the account emails. When you Create a New Email Campaign, you must use an account email address with a CONFIRMED status in the email campaign activity from_email and reply_to_email headers.

Learn more about getting account emails.

Account Services Example Schema

      "privilege_id": 30,
      "privilege_name": "campaign:create"
      "privilege_id": 31,
      "privilege_name": "campaign:read"
      "privilege_id": 32,
      "privilege_name": "campaign:write"
      "privilege_id": 52,
      "privilege_name": "contacts:lists:read"
  "contact_email": "InstaPrinz@gmail.com",
  "contact_phone": "5081111212",
  "country_code": "US",
  "encoded_account_id": "p07e1l8cdif9dl",
  "first_name": "Lola",
  "last_name": "Zang",
  "organization_name": "InstaPrinz",
  "organization_phone": "333-333-3335",
  "state_code": "MA",
  "time_zone_id": "US/Eastern",
  "website": "http://InstaPriz4me.com",
  "physical_address": {
    "address_line1": "123 Maple Street",
    "address_line2": "Unit 1",
    "address_line3": "string",
    "city": "Boston",
    "state_code": "MA",
    "state_name": "string",
    "postal_code": "02451",
    "country_code": "US"
  "company_logo": {
    "url": "https://files.constantcontact.com/3a20c2f5701/780c1ff3-7fc6-4712-a862-ad5b6af57d38.jpg.",
    "external_url": "https://www.google.com/images/logos/google_logo_41.png.",
    "internal_id": "ACCOUNT.IMAGE.5"
        "email_address": "jdodge@example.com",
        "email_id": 1,
        "confirm_status": "CONFIRMED",
        "confirm_time": "2018-06-11T14:22:30.335+0000",
        "confirm_source_type": "SITE_OWNER",
        "roles": [
        "email_address": "jdodgepancakes@example.com",
        "email_id": 2,
        "confirm_status": "CONFIRMED",
        "confirm_time": "2018-06-13T14:16:34.450+0000",
        "confirm_source_type": "SITE_OWNER",
        "roles": []
        "email_address": "jdodge2@example.com",
        "email_id": 3,
        "confirm_status": "UNCONFIRMED",
        "roles": [],
        "pending_roles": []