Resend an email campaign activity to non-openers.

Constant Contact can resend your primary email campaign and target only those contacts that you specify (using contact lists or segments) that did not open or were not sent the initial email campaign activity.

Only one resend to non-openers can be sent for a primary email campaign activity and the format_type must be 5 and the current_status be either DRAFT, SCHEDULED, or DONE.

To schedule a resend to non-openers email, make a POST call to /emails/activities/{campaign_activity_id}/non_opener_resends and specifying the ID for primary campaign activity, the new subject line to use, and the number of days or minutes that you want Constant Contact to wait after the initial send before resending the email.

The following example shows the scheduling details returned in the response payload for a resend to non-openers request:

        "delay_days": 3,
        "delay_minutes": 4320,
        "resend_subject": "There is still time to save big!",
        "resend_request_id": "DRAFT"

Details returned in the response payload include:

  • delay_days - The number of days Constant Contact waits to resend the primary email campaign activity after the initial send. Valid values are 1 to 10. This property is mutually exclusive with delay_minutes. However, the API will return both delay_days and delay_minutes in the response if the delay_minutes value equals an exact day value. One day is equal to 1,440 minutes.

  • delay_minutes - The number of minutes Constant Contact waits to resend the primary email campaign activity after the initial send. The range of valid values includes 720 (12 hours) to 14,400 minutes (10 days x 14,400). This property is mutually exclusive with delay_days in the request payload. This value is only returned in the response payload if you choose to specify delay_minutes or if the delay_minutes you specify are equal to an exact day value.

  • resend_subject - The subject line to use for the resend to non-openers email.

  • resend_request_id - The ID that identifies a resend to non-openers email that is scheduled or sent, such as 389093. If the primary email campaign activity has not been scheduled or sent, DRAFT displays for the resend_request_id.

Attempting to POST a resend for a primary email campaign that has already been scheduled for resend or was already resent returns an error.


This method requires the campaign_activity_id URL parameter of the primary email campaign activity that you want to resend, the resend_subject line to use, and the resend_request_id for the campaign_activity_id. To get the resend_request_id, make a GET call to /emails/activities/{campaign_activity_id}/non_opener_resends.

Example POST Resend to Non-openers Call


User privileges: campaign:read

Authorization scopes: campaign_send

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => '',
    "delay_minutes": 4320,
    "resend_subject": "There is still time to save big!"
}        ',
    'Content-Type: application/json',
    'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--data-raw '{
    "delay_minutes": 4300,
    "resend_subject": "There is still time to save big!"
}        '

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\n    \"delay_minutes\": 4300,\n    \"resend_subject\": \"There is still time to save big!\"\n}        ");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
  .addHeader("Authorization: Bearer {access_token}")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


        "delay_days": 3,
        "delay_minutes": 4320,
        "resend_subject": "There is still time to save big!",
        "resend_request_id": "DRAFT",
        "resend_date": "2020-02-21T18:02:49.000Z",

Try it!